HamSCI 2022 Program
Posters and presentations at the HamSCI workshop are made for community discussion and for exploration of new possibilities. Please note that these materials are not peer-reviewed.
Main workshop page: http://hamsci.org/hamsci2022
HamSCI Glossary
Google Drive with Presentation Files
Photo Album of Workshop
Click here for the full HamSCI 2022 Workshop playlist on YouTube by KC5HWB/Ham Radio 2.0.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Central Daylight Time | UTC | NR | Title | Presenter | Organization | Modality |
7:00 AM CDT | 1200z |
Registration & Continental Breakfast |
Opening Remarks & Oral Session I
8:15 AM CDT | 1315z |
Opening Remarks / Webinar Opens
8:30 AM CDT | 1330z | O01 | TangerineSDR Architecture and Hardware Update | Scotty Cowling WA2DFI | TAPR | In-Person |
8:50 AM CDT | 1350z | O02 | Hardware Design of the Grape2 Data Collection Sequencing Engine | John Gibbons N8OBJ | Case Western Reserve University | Virtual |
9:10 AM CDT | 1410z | O03 | Allan Deviation Analysis of WWV Doppler Shift Measurements recorded with the HamSCI Grape 1 Receiver | Michael Lombardi K0WWX | National Institute of Standards and Technology | In-Person |
9:30 AM CDT | 1430z | O04 | WWV/H Scientific Modulation Working Group: Designing for Citizen Science | Kristina Collins KD8OXT | Case Western Reserve University | In-Person |
9:50 AM CDT | 1450z | O05 | Preliminary Analysis of WWV Experimental Tone Signals | Bill Liles NQ6Z | HamSCI Community | In-Person |
10:10 AM CDT | 1510z |
Coffee Break |
Oral Session II
10:30 AM CDT | 1530z | O06 | VLF LEAF Module for the Tangerine SDR HamSCI Workshop 2022 Progress Update |
Jonathan Rizzo KC3EEY |
HamSCI Community | Virtual |
10:50 AM CDT | 1550z | O07 | Broadband Loop Antennas and Preamplifiers for Receiving VLF to HF | David McGaw N1HAC | Dartmouth College | In-Person |
11:10 AM CDT | 1610z | O08 | Autonomous Ground Magnetometer Station Using DRV425 Fluxgates | Jimmy Raeder | University of New Hampshire | In-Person |
11:30 AM CDT | 1630z | O09 | Three Time-of-Flight Measurement Projects on a Common Hardware Platform | David Kazdan AD8Y | Case Western Reserve University | In-Person |
11:50 AM CDT | 1650z | O10 | Consolidated Amateur Radio Reports as Indicators of Intense Sporadic-E Layers | Chris Deacon G4IFX | University of Bath | Virtual |
12:10 PM CDT | 1710z | O11 | Contrasting effects of the 3-5 November 2021 geomagnetic storm on reception in Colorado of WSPR transmissions from North-Eastern North America with those from Australia | Gwyn Griffiths G3ZIL | HamSCI Community | Virtual |
12:30 PM CDT | 1730z |
Lunch |
Oral Session III
1:30 PM CDT | 1830z | O12 | An Investigation of Enhanced Summertime 7MHz trans-Pacific Propagation |
Larry Serra N6NC |
Southern California Contest Club | Virtual |
1:50 PM CDT | 1850z | O13 | Detecting Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances using Feature Recognition and Amateur Radio Data | William Engelke AB4EJ | University of Alabama | In-Person |
2:10 PM CDT | 1910z | O14 | Short-Term Variability Associated with 20 Meter Sequential Matched WSPR Observations: A Statistical Exploratory Study | Bob Gerzoff WK2Y | Applied Statistical Consulting | Virtual |
2:30 PM CDT | 1930z | O15 | Using the ARISS radio systems on ISS for HamSCI | Frank Bauer KA3HDO | ARISS-USA | In-Person |
2:50 PM CDT | 1950z | O16 | NASA/HPD/Space Weather/Citizen Science Programs Contributions to the HamSCI Workshop | Esayas Shume | NASA Heliophysics Division | In-Person |
3:10 PM CDT | 2010z | O17 | Lightning Research at NASA's Marshall Spaceflight Center | Monte Bateman WB5RZX | University of Alabama in Huntsville | In-Person |
3:30 PM CDT | 2030z | Coffee Break with Snacks | ||||
Oral Session IV
3:50 PM CDT | 2050z | O18 | Introducing Undergraduates to Research Through Solar Flares, Python, and Amateur Radio | Rachel Frissell W2RUF | University of Scranton | In-Person |
4:10 PM CDT | 2110z | O19 | AM Broadcast Signals Observed at South Pole | James LaBelle | Dartmouth College | In-Person |
4:30 PM CDT | 2130z | O20 | Viability of Nowcasting Solar Flare-Driven Radio-Blackouts Using SuperDARN HF Radars | Shibaji Chakraborty KN4BMT | Virginia Tech | Virtual |
4:50 PM CDT | 2150z | O21 | On the Use of High Frequency Surface Wave Oceanographic Research Radars as Bistatic Single Frequency Oblique Ionospheric Sounders | Stephen Kaeppler AD0AE | Clemson University | Virtual |
5:10 PM CDT | 2210z | O22 | PHaRLAP: Provision of High-Frequency Raytracing Laboratory for Propagation Studies | Manny Cervera | Australian Department of Defence | Virtual |
5:30 PM CDT | 2230z | O23 | Ray Tracing in Python Utilizing the PHaRLAP Engine | Alex Calderon | University of Scranton | In-Person |
5:50 PM CDT | 2250z | Day 1 Closing Remarks | Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF | University of Scranton | In-Person | |
Friday Night Banquet
6:30 PM CDT | 2330z | Banquet Begins | ||||
7:30 PM CDT | 0030z | KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ham Radio and the Discovery of the Ionosphere | Chen-Pang Yeang | University of Toronto | Virtual |
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Central Daylight Time | UTC | NR | Title | Presenter | Organization | Modality |
7:00 AM CDT | 1200z |
Registration & Continental Breakfast |
Invited Tutorials
8:45 AM CDT | 1330z |
Opening Remarks / Webinar Opens |
9:00 AM CDT | 1400z | T01 | INVITED TUTORIAL: Evaluation of Links Between Terrestrial Weather and Sporadic-E | Jim Bacon G3YLA | HamSCI Community | Virtual |
9:45 AM CDT | 1445z | T02 | INVITED TUTORIAL: The Ionospheric Impacts of Space Weather and our Heightened Awareness of its Effects on Society | Tamitha Skov WX6SWW | Aerospace Corporation and Millersville University | In-Person |
10:30 AM CDT | 1530z |
Coffee Break |
Poster/Demo Session Overview
11:00 AM CDT | 1600z | P01 | The Radio JOVE Project 2.0 | Chuck Higgins | Middle Tennessee State University | In-Person |
P02 | Installation and Operation of the KC3EEY/W2NAF VLF Reception System | Jonathan Rizzo KC3EEY | HamSCI Community | Virtual | ||
P03 | HF Doppler Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in a WWV Signal Received with a Network of Low Cost HamSCI Personal Space Weather Stations | Veronica Romanek KD2UHN | University of Scranton | In-Person | ||
P04 | An Algorithm for Determining the Timing of Components within the HamSCI-WWV/WWVH Scientific Test Signal | Cuong Nguyen | University of Scranton | In-Person | ||
P05 | An Overview of Oblique Soundings from Chirp Ionosondes | Simal Sami | University of Scranton | In-Person | ||
P06 | Mid-latitude Irregularities Observed by the Oblique Ionosonde Sounding Mode for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station | Dev Raj Joshi KC3PVE | University of Iowa | In-Person | ||
P07 | ScintPi: Scintillation and Total Electron Content (TEC) Monitors for Distributed Observations, Education and Citizen Science Initiatives | Josemaria Gomez Socola | University of Texas at Dallas | Virtual | ||
P08 | Opportunities for Research and Education with a Small Radio Telescope | Shaaf Sarwar KC3PVF | University of Scranton | In-Person | ||
P09 | Evaluation of Techniques to Better Separate and Utilize Astronomical Radio Telescope Signals from those Due to Disturbances in the Ionosphere | Robert Spalletta KC3QOB | University of Scranton | In-Person | ||
P10 | Climatology of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by HamSCI Amateur Radio with Connections to Geospace and Neutral Atmospheric Sources | Diego Sanchez KD2RLM | New Jersey Institute of Technology | In-Person | ||
P11 | Porting the MUSIC Algorithm to the SuperDARN pyDARN Library for the Study of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances | Francis Tholley | University of Scranton | In-Person | ||
P12 | Demonstration of Ray Tracing in Python Utilizing the PHaRLAP Engine | Alex Calderon | University of Scranton | In-Person | ||
P13 | Potential Science Opportunities for HamSCI in Antarctica | Gareth Perry KD2SAK | New Jersey Institute of Technology | In-Person | ||
P14 | Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Studies Using the PSWS Magnetometer Network | Hyomin Kim KD2MCR | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Virtual | ||
P15 | SMART -- Expanding Array of Low Cost Magnetometers | Noel Petit WB0VGI | Augsburg University | Virtual | ||
P16 | Properties and Drivers of Plasma Irregularities in the High-Latitude Ionosphere Computed using Novel Incoherent Scatter Radar Techniques | Lindsay Goodwin | New Jersey Institute of Technology and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | In-Person | ||
P17 | Forecasting Spread F at Jicamarca | Reynaldo Rojas Zelaya | Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología (Peru) | Virtual | ||
P18 | Modeling Ionograms with Deep Neural Networks: Applications to Nowcasting | Jhassmin Aricoché | Universidad Nacional Del Callao (Peru) | Virtual | ||
P19 | Geomagnetic Indices and The Ring Current | Matthew Cooper | New Jersey Institute of Technology | In-Person | ||
P20 | Introducing Undergraduates to Research Through Solar Flares, Python, and Amateur Radio | Rachel Frissell W2RUF | University of Scranton | In-Person | ||
P21 | The North Dakota Dual Aurora Camera (NoDDAC), A Student-led Citizen Science Project: Data Showcase, Future Developments, and Scientific Potential | Vincent Ledvina | University of North Dakota | In-Person | ||
P22 | Lightning Protection for the Radio Amateur | Monte Bateman WB5RZX | University of Alabama in Huntsville | In-Person | ||
P23 | Systematic Correlation of Local Diurnal Daylight Variations with Local MUF | Eric Nichols KL7AJ | Arctic Amateur Radio Club | Virtual | ||
P24 | Moonbased Ham Repeater Station Project | Carlos Mascareñas EA7GWJ | University of Cádiz (Spain) | Virtual | ||
P25 | 40-m Domestic Propagation at November 2022 at FT8 QSO Party in Japan | Atsushi Taketani JF3NRI | Niiza City Amateur Radio Club | In-Person | ||
P26 | Ionosphere Plasma Density Estimation by Ray Tracing Optimization | David de la Torre | Pontifical Catholic University of Peru | Virtual | ||
12:30 PM CDT | 1730z |
Virtual Poster Discussion for Online Participants
12:30 PM CDT | 1730z |
Lunch |
1:30 PM CDT | 1830 | Poster and Demo Session | ||||
3:00 PM CDT | 2000z | Coffee Break with Snacks | ||||
5:15 PM CDT | 2115z | Closing Remarks | Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF | University of Scranton | ||
6:15 PM CDT | 2315z | Reception at Marriott |